Full Name : Ahmad Adly Fairuz
Nickname : Adly Fairuz
Place / Date of birth (Tanggal Lahir) : Jakarta, 14 April 1987
Father's Name : H Agus Irianto
Mother's Name : Hj Lutfiah
Religion : Islam
Zodiak : Aries
Hobby : Music
Food : Pecel ayam, pecel lele
1. OST Coblos cin

* Teman Sahabat Cinta (FTV)
* Tikus Kucing Mencari Cinta (2006)
* Miliader Geser Pager (2006)
* Cinta Fitri (2007)
* Cinta Arjuna
* Kalau Cinta Mau Bilang Apa
* The Winner #1 Reality Show Supermama Seleb Concer

Adly Fairuz love with a young pesinetron, shireen Sungkar who also play together in Cinta Fitri. Adly Fairuz sometimes spends time with the help shireen PR
"Pas syuting on the location, I like kerjain PR assisted Adly. Enggak kan have one, that he ngajarin," said shireen "Yes, in the location syuting, we learn with. Dulu pas SMA, science majors I so love the (subjects ) Physics and Mathematics. So, I can be happy ngajarin Bee (hail to my Adly shireen - red), "timpal Adly older age of five years from Shireen.Cinta shireen for Teachers Privatnya

In addition, as a sign of love, Adly also has created a love song to make you shireen shireen cry far cry terharu.Shireen Sungkar Adly Fairuz. After a degree jawara Supermama not this old, Adly also present a gift that own a car, especially for the Mother Mama Lutfiah, as a sign of love and baktinya
Adly said, "Gifts in Sipermama are persembahkan I make everything I nyokap. Gue pengen platnya D, from the vehicle registration, BPKB, all in the name of nyokap gue. Hold the gift of a small, all I nyokap I love. This event is Supermama, so offering to mama. "

While Lutfiah Mama said, "God bless you, happy mama and a car Adly love for mama." Throughout this year, career Adly Fairuz dipanggung celebrities are more melesat sharp. Not only in the world akting, Adly even widen wing soon became cantor, with the first album issued in the near future.
For all the blessings received, and also as a sign syukurnya, like the origin Bandung implement this plan of worship Umroh in May.
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