Name : Christian Sugiono
Nick : Tian, Sugi
Born (Tanggal Lahir): February 25, 1981
Height (Tinggi) : 187 cm
Zodiac : Pisces
Religion : Islam
Profession : Actor, Model

Christian Sugiono (born in Jakarta, 25 February 1981; age 28 years; nickname: Tian) is a model and film actor, sinetron, ads, and from Indonesia. His name is known around the public in 2005 after the film star Note End School and several films, such as Singles, and others. They film in the World, Christian incoming actors nominated commendable version Bandung Film Festival. [1] And also on the Panasonic Award 2007, nominated as actor Christian terfavorit.

Christian Sugiono (born in Jakarta, 25 February 1981; age 28 years; nickname: Tian) is a model and film actor, sinetron, ads, and from Indonesia. His name is known around the public in 2005 after the film star Note End School and several films, such as Singles, and others. They film in the World, Christian incoming actors nominated commendable version Bandung Film Festival. [1] And also on the Panasonic Award 2007, nominated as actor Christian terfavorit.
Career started in the entertainment world since the Christian high school. He difoto the first time for the annual O Magazine in 1997, and continues to be fashion models, catwalk, and become actors in some ads and video clips.

During the study in Hamburg, Christian, so he called, more focused on the study and writing coverage for various concerts published on MTV Trax magazine in Indonesia.
Upon return from Germany (2006), he again was active in the profession before. Debutnya is it a role as actors in the film "deceptive stratagem Right Left (100 Lies to Hide a Wife)," a wide-screen film production in Malaysia that Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, [Singapore], and India. In this film became the main Christian, with a pair Titi Kamal. In addition to players from Indonesia, the film also stars scattered from Malaysia with the kru's largest film industry in Asia, Bollywood, India.

Akting addition, Christian also holds 3 renowned brand icon, the Close Up (2006 - present), Gatsby (2008), and Hewlett Packard (2008).
Not only on the big screen, Tian melakoni also a number of roles in sinetron. Playing in the run chase each sinetron, Alisa, Tian compete with the role of young artists and Alyssa Soebandono Nia ramadhani.
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