Doni Indrawan than professional actors also penetrated into the music world as performers. However, to sing songs beraliran Malay, Andhika volens. "Nggak deh," he said. Andhika Pratama than professional actors also penetrated into the music world as performers. However, to sing songs beraliran wilt, Andhika volens. "Nggak deh. Jujur aja gue nggak suka Malay songs. Lagian not I taste," he said when detikhot found in Eurocafe, Belezza, Permata Hijau, on Wednesday .

Name : Doni Indrawan
Born : Bandung, 5 Mei 1990
Doni, si anakbandung

Bandung boys travel agent in INdonesia, With that firmly Andhika berujar Malay music memnag not seleranya. However, it does not mean the music that is now low-rise middle leaf in the Indonesian music industry. "Perhaps the time is not soul I do. But I do not want nge-judge, if the Malay music is ugly or less weight. But I do not like," he said again.
cakep dan hot... salam kenal!!!
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